• “@brainpicker To take your breath away – 5 fine art photographers capture animals like you've never seen them before http://t.co/hCdVVcDY” #
  • Most "problems" are actually "symptoms". It's easier to practice prevention than it is to find a cure. #
  • Toronto director's "Unstoppable" ad for the Paralypics. http://t.co/INOepvTF #
  • Machanical waves sculptures by Reuben Margolin help me redefine "Technical Artist". #TED http://t.co/LITbBJCL #
  • Pixar's been great about sharing tech. As proof, here's a complete list of their whitepapers.: [via Tyler Von Muehlen] http://t.co/8vivqvgx #
  • Nostalgia via LEGO patent drawing circa 1958 http://t.co/jlO7XBX8 #
  • Travel routes weaving our footprint on the globe. #map #infographic http://t.co/Wia5JmlH #
  • Morning tribal psychedelic heartbeats providing tempo for portfolio building. #music http://t.co/kk9ry3Yq #