• Projection mapped effects puts digital tattoos and polygons on silver painted face. Samsung ad awesomeness. http://t.co/Nj5V8xu1 #
  • Animated wind map makes the US look like it's covered in fun fur. http://t.co/6XcrLaLl #
  • Didn't get the sunrise I was hoping for this morning, so these photo manipulations will have to provide today's color. http://t.co/yT16GFK0 #
  • Less productive? Awe, come on. It was only one cup of coffee. http://t.co/gX3e6XnT #
  • Roomie and I have spoke of a loft redesign. Monkey bars is one option, but this… ? http://t.co/nlY2WPki #
  • Excited to revisit horror films after finding this killer list (har har). Most of my favs are mentioned. http://t.co/elHqlcVk #