Where am I now?  I’ve just moved down from Vancouver, BC (aka “Hollywood North”) and am taking my sabbatical in Washington state…  about 30 minutes south of Seattle.I’ve been down here for about 2 months now and am still building up momentum. Since I’m working almost entirely in a digital world, I have to fight for some sort of balance with reality.  Dance, jogging, cooking, drawing, etc. Jogging is relatively new to me, but I must tell the skeptics out there there that I used to think running was ridiculous, but then I experienced what it was able to do for my mood. Was able to quit my depressive drinking and smoking in days, and feel better for it.  Ok, I admit to taking 2-3 drags off a cigarette, here and there. 

I do have a primary blog that I’ve been updating for the past few years, though I needed to pull myself away from it in order to gain some freedom in what I can say.  You don’t know my name… but you kinda already know my address.

Before the end of the month I need to figure out my next move.  I have enough money saved up for almost a year of freedom.  I can use this time to veg-out, or I can do something constructive with it.  Luckily, I’ve been keeping productive. At first I was plagued with too many unfinished projects, but since I’m now free from the cubical, I am able to see my life much clearer and have made great strides in simplifying things.